about the exhibition | about the artists 
icture in poster: Zanele Muholi, Somnyama IV, Oslo, 2015
Photo/ © Zanele Muholi. Courtesy of STEVENSON, Cape Town/Johannesburg.

Zanele Muholi, Ahmed Umar and Linn Cecilie Ulvin
MINA/MEG, Trondheim, 2 - 18 February 2017
Vernissage: Thursday 9 Febr at 18 hrs
Venue: Galleri KiT, Innherredsveien 7, Inngang A Trondheim (map)
Opening hours: check out here.
Welcome to MINA/MEG - A Feminist, Artist and Activist Queer Exhibition during this year’s International Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFIT) at Gallery KiT (Trondheim Academy of Fine Art) from 9 to 18 February.
“Mina” means “me” in Isizulu (South Africa). Through visual activism the artists are exploring self-representation and life-stories with the focus on love, intimacy, racism, homophobia, solidarity, visibility and interpretation of differences.
The exhibition presents works by Ahmed Umar (NO/SD), Zanele Muholi (SA) and Linn Cecilie Ulvin (NO) and is curated by Lerato Dumse (SA) and Henriette Stensdal (NO). The exhibition was first presented in Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, curated by Kunstplass [10] and was a contribution to Oslo Pride.
Muholi is an internationally acclaimed photographer and visual activist who over a decade has documented LGBT life in post-apartheid South Africa. Umar and Ulvin are both based in Norway and exhibit pieces that confront our perceptions of gender and sexual identity. Umar will also be involved in a self-representation workshop on 11-12 February.
The exhibition is produced by Kunstplass [10], with Transnational Art Production (TrAP) as tour producer.
This exhibition was produced with support from Art Council Norway and Fritt Ord.