Visual Activism Cultural Exchange Programme (#VACEP)
Exhibition opening: Thursday 2nd of July @18.00 hrs
Venue: Kunstplass [10], Rosteds gate 10 (kart)
Exhibition period: 2 - 5 July 2015 (or by appointment in July)
Kunstplass [10] is proud to present five visual activists from Inkanyiso in South Africa:
Lindeka QAMPI (Photographer/Activist)
Christie van Zyl (Writer/ Poet/Feminist)
Collen MFAZWE (Photographer/ Activist)
Lerato DUMSE (Journalist/ Researcher/Activist)
Zanele MUHOLI (Visual Activist)
Inkanyiso and Kunstplass [10] have entered into a partnership for visual activism and cultural exchange. The current exhibition and the catalogue you have in your hand is the first result of this collaboration.
Inkanyiso and Kunstplass [10] share a common mission, that is to us art as a tool to communicate and initiate dialogues across different platforms, and to develop new strategies for action and creative expression through our combined practice.
How do we express ourselves through art without being censored or censoring ourselves? How can we politicize platforms like Pride again?
With this project we want to ensure that our community members tell their stories about love, intimacy and Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) LGBTI politics globally. We want to highlight that hate crime is a major problem that affects our LGBTI community around the globe.
The exhibition titled 21/21/2015 will represent 21 statements for 21 years of democracy in South Africa. The title is also synonymous with the way that South African police write case numbers when a crime has been committed.
Photographers and visual activists Lindeka Qampi, Collen Mfazwe and Zanele Muholi are presenting 21 photographs captured during the funerals of three black lesbians who were brutally murdered near their homes in 2013 and 2014.
As a contrasting reality, the exhibition will show photographs and video taken by the very same visual activists during Oslo pride from 19 to 27 June 2015.
Christie Van Zyl’s poem "Ode to the young black lesbian” will be exhibited as well as performed including a new poem (read here) influenced and inspired by political activities and discussions taking place during Oslo pride week.
Lerato Dumse comes on board as an essayist / writer. She has written a text about their trip to Oslo (read here). She is also working as a researcher for this project.
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The project has received supported by Fritt Ord
